The Cracks and the Crevices :: Coming July 17th

Just letting you in on a little secret. Deke Spears and I have been holed up in the studio 3-4 days a week since the beginning of May weaving sounds around my little melodies; melodies made in moments stolen when small boys and a bit bigger boys have been sleeping. Quiet hallways and tip-toeing about, whispering lyrics to myself, and playing my Winter upright as softly as I could.

It's been four years since I've put new music out into the world and so I'm nervous and excited and goofily happy about this whole bunch of songs I'm working on now. I'm going to wrap them up in a package called, "The Cracks and the Crevices".

I'll write more about that later.

Oh, and if you didn't already know - I'm giving my last album "Songs To Sail By" away for free. You can download it from my Bandcamp by clicking here ---> Songs To Sail By