Show at Eddie's Attic on Feb. 1st!

'Tis true, friends.

I have a show. Rather I shall have a show. A show is on the horizon. I will eventually, in a matter of 9 days, step onto the stage at Eddie's Attic and attempt to play and sing songs in a pleasing manner.

I think I clarified that enough, yes?

I'm the opener for Erick Baker and Mieka Pauley, two very talented musicians. Erick is actually managed by my old manager and she has pretty good taste in music. I mean, she managed ME at one point, so that's good. Heh heh. ;-)

As you can see, I am the guest that is special. I'm just grateful that the word special wasn't put into quotation marks.

If you live in the Atlanta area I would be honoured if you made your way to Decatur and up the stairs to Eddie's Attic, found a cozy table, ordered some ridiculously good food to nosh on and opened yourself up to a night of good music. I mean I'm really thinking of you here. Thinking of your well being. You very well might NEED this. Who doesn't need attic stairs, cozy tables, yummy food and music? No one I want to know, that's who.

I'm looking forward to seeing your lovely faces.

(In case you missed the link up there you can go to and purchase your tickets there. Thanks!)

"And the night shall be filled with music,
And the cares that infest the day
Shall fold their tents like the Arabs
And as silently steal away."

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow