
(for Jenny)

(Click to listen)

Sometimes I think

I can see atoms

If I squint hard enough

And look out past

What seems to be there

To all the beyond parts

Where colors are

Sort of dancing around

The edges of everything else.

A bit like Lake 

Michigan when I

Look out over it

And feel my toes

Sink into sand

I want more than this housewife life

Where my colors are

Sort of dancing around

The edges of everyone else.

But I will not cry about this.

Okay, I’ll kinda cry about it.

Should I cry about this?

I gotta cry about it.


What should I do now?

All my days

Have started to 

Blur into shapes rather round,

Cycloramas of same

Going in circles again.

It’s not that I don’t love you, I do.

I just need to love me, too.